Modeling and Analytical tools provide our customers with business intelligence that is easy to understand and apply, without a degree in statistics. From Customer Profiling to Predictive Modeling, with Geo-targeting and customer mapping included, our proprietary system delivers these results:
Improved targeting,
Increased conversions, and
Reduced direct marketing costs.
Predictive Modeling is used to predict behaviors simulated by a marketing contact using information available in your marketing database. Some basic applications include:
Best Customer – increase customer lifetime value by identifying who is the best customer and who has the most upside.
Customer Cloning – identify the traits of your top customers and find prospects that resemble them.
Lost Customers – regain customers whose patronage has dropped dramatically or totally lapsed.
Let our proprietary modeling technology identify your best prospects in a matter of minutes. Modeling gives you the ability to quickly identify and execute a highly targeted marketing campaign without knowing anything about modeling or analytics. We provide you with a scored (ranked) list of prospects that resembles your best customers; this list is ready to be utilized in your marketing campaigns.
What is your effective market reach – local, regional, national??
Once you’ve uploaded your customer data to our secure servers, you can use our mapping and modeling tools to:
Clearly see where your Customers are located,
Identify clusters of your Customers in certain neighborhoods or regions
Identify “pockets” of geography where you have very little or no penetration,
Decide if you should reorganize your sales force or your locations to better serve your customers or expand your business.
Gain Insights on Your Customers
With our proprietary tools, you can generate reports to receive a detailed demographic summary of your customer and/or prospect lists. A Profile Report highlights the demographic make-up of your list. Learn how effectively you are penetrating your market by running a Market Penetration Report. You can easily compare two lists using the List Comparison Report. A user defined Crosstab Report will provide “sweet spots” for refining your targets.
Uncover hidden insights of you current customers,
Create of list of Look-A-Likes or “Clones” of your best Customers,
Quickly execute highly targeted campaigns with an improved ROI.
Customer Profiling
In order to create effective marketing campaigns, you must first understand what your current customers look like. Our company will analyze your ideal customer profile and uncover consumer segments that will improve your customer acquisition and retention efforts. Our Approach uses empirical evidence contained in your customer database to identify:
Traits of buyers who use specific services,
Target audience or segment(s) that are unique in composition of age, income, home ownership, etc., and
Services that are appropriately marketed together.
We apply the findings to develop the target audience and segments with look-a-like prospects and then create campaigns for the customer base gaps as identified in the profile. The result is the ability to develop messages and images that are relevant and more personal thereby increasing conversion rates.
Market Penetration
Market Penetration is a measure of how effectively you are penetrating your market. By comparing your customers in a given area (say a ZIP Code) to your non-customers in the same area, you will easily be able to determine which demographic groups are well (poorly) penetrated.
Lift Charts
Lift charts demonstrate the predicted effectiveness of modeling. The “flat” or random line (dark-dashed line) indicates the expected penetration of business-as-usual. The steep (green) line indicates expected penetration from using the ranked list (from the model). In the example below, prospects in the first demi-decile (top 5%) are expected to respond about 3.5 times as frequently as a “random” customer. By utilizing the ranked list, fewer pieces can be mailed (to achieve a certain number of new customers) or more new customers can be found (for a given budget). Conversely, you can learn who your worst prospects are, allowing you to stop expending marketing resources on them.

Time for Fresh Viable Data, Contact Ratio is Key
Explore our Services
EDU, Diabetic, Email, Auto Data, Residential Donors, Weight Loss, Payday Loan, Weekly New Businesses, Weekly and Daily New Connects or New Movers, Weekly and Daily New Homeowners, Refinance, Debt Consolidation, Business Opportunity Leads Daily, Home Improvement,Solar, Energy, Timeshare, Magazine Sales, Insurance, Commercial Fundraising, Cleaning Supplies. Etc.
Numerous Verticals
Direct Mailing Lists are guaranteed. The fact is our data sources for our direct mail lists are so good- on many of our lists we have a guaranteed deliverability rate.
We know that providing our clients the most accurate and up to date direct mail lists available will result the highest response rates possible.
SEO B2B Info for Newbies Info. It’s very important to know exactly how your b2b SEO is working. Monthly reporting is essential so you can see keyword phrase performance, landing page and content engagement, click-throughs, visibility scores for each keyword phrase in each search engine, and more. Only by monitoring these results over time can you measure macro and micro performance and continue to refine your SEO and SEM efforts.